Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Where Would I Be Without Freedom

I walk upon the earth and marvel at the ability to let the grass cushion my wandering feet. What if my feet could not wander What if I were a slave to this rich soil, then where would I be Society may not be controlled, and it may wander aimlessly perhaps, but it wanders on its own course. I walk with society and against it, and I have the freedom to do this. I would not be able to write such an essay if I didnt have my freedom. It is this freedom that allows me to write an essay differently from other people and is what has taken many others and me as far along in our journey. Freedom is the grass that cushions my step, the softness that allows me to tread anywhere without the fear of persecution. Without this layer of protection I would not want to stray far from what I know. Without protection from the corrupt world, I would remain the same immature child who could not walk far from what I could not see. Light liberates darkness the same as freedom liberates slaves. Darkness is the absence of light just as slavery is merely the absence of freedom. Without the light of this freedom I would be in the shadow of darkness; confined to the barren ignorant lands that light never reaches. Grass ceases to grow and life as I know it would be useless dead. The fire that burns within the soul is fueled by the sun, fueled by the liberation and freedom which allows us to fill ourselves with worldly and unworldly beliefs. There is little faith behind a society who does not have the ability to choose its own unworldly beliefs. Being spoon-fed from birth by my Orthodox Baptist parents, I rode my own spirit into the arms of God and the ways of Christianity. Faith may guide many a man and his heart, but freedom guides the soul. No one knows the truth concerning God, religion, or existence, but the freedom to seek the truth ike I have has made me whole. Without freedom I would still place myself higher than everything else and perceive myself as my own master. This provincial nature that the world commercializes I once held, but it has been freed by the disuniting of my flesh and its influence upon my mind, soul, and heart. Freedom is too immense a concept to comprehend yet too narrow a word to define, but it drives me. Without it I become dark and meek as I look to the cold earth for heavenly answers. Freedom is there for anyone even slaves. The light needs but to be turned on and ignorance can do nothing but flee.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

In Exile Poem Analysis (Arthur Nortje) Line By Line

English 101D First Assignment Unique Nr: 826883 Dedre Immelman Student nr 5012-960-0 In Exile  Poem Analysis (Arthur Nortje) Line By Line Question 1 The poem â€Å"In Exile† was written by Arthur Nortje in the 1960 – 1970 period. There could be different interpretations to the meaning of the title â€Å"In Exile†. Arthur Nortje won a scholarship to study at the Jesus College at Oxford University. Arthur became one of the privileged few â€Å"chosen† to further their education outside the borders of South Africa. Can he be seen as truly in exile? I will argue that the title of the poem is relevant and is a reference to the personal feelings and experiences of Arthur Nortje during his time spent in England and Kanada. This poem was written during the time period 1960 to 1970 – during this time South Africa had a volatile political situation and many a young activists fled the country. As mentioned, the poet did not flee the country but this title can be seen as an identification with those fellow South Africans in exile as well as a emotional reference to the feelings one experiences when you leave your country of birth and need to settle new roots in the soil of a new country. In Exile† indicates that something or someone is unsettled and not in their place of true origin. They have moved away – either voluntarily or by force. The title does not indicate whether this exile is a positive or negative experience. It does however refer to an action because exile indicates motion. One other aspect worth conside ring is the fact that the poet was born from a mixed couple and classified as colored. This could have left him with a feeling of alienation and the social implications could have left him with a feeling of being in â€Å"exile†. Question 2 The poem could be seen as a lyric description of the poet’s feelings. The poet is writing about 2 things – his country of origin and his feelings of desolation and possibly anger towards his birth country. Secondly, he is painting a picture of a landscape in his new adopted country. Nortje often uses imaginative landscapes to compensate for his personal dislocation and feeling of isolation. It also refers to South Africa and the political isolation characteristic to certain groups of our population during that period of time in our history. The communicative aim of the poet is to tell the reader more about the feelings of isolation he experienced and how wounded his soul was. It also refers to South Africa and the political and emotional context of fellow anti-apartheid or rather non-white patriots during that time. He is strongly relying on connotations in the reader’s imagination to bring his story across. A picture is painted of a current landscape but the poet makes you realise that you can’t see the beauty of a new picture without dealing with the hurt of the past. Question 3 The poet is relying on the readers understanding of the political and economic situation in South Africa during the time period in which this poem was written. In the first line â€Å"Open skies flare wide enough† – this is the first reference to the power of memory because the word â€Å"flare† could be a reference to the noise and action when a grenade explodes during war. The flare is often seen and heard when the grenade explodes. In the second stanza, the poet refers to â€Å"boots passing through† – this could be a reference to the unseen soldiers of apartheid South Africa passing through the townships at night to make sure no non-whites were out in the street. If you have experienced South Africa during that time, the boots passing through will remind you of oppression and fear or on the other side it might remind you of protection and hope. The words â€Å"wrong pigment† gives the reader an indication of a situation where people are judged simply because they don’t have the correct appearance – their skin color is unacceptable and thus they are unacceptable. Question 4 The poet is referring to storm clouds in his past and also to clouds in the history of South Africa. He was declared â€Å"colored† in the time when this ethnical group faced many adversaries and oppression in South Africa. He is using a picture of a landscape to refer to the political isolation in South Africa during that time. It could also be a reference to the repetitiveness of the storm clouds – they have been there before and they will probably be there again in the future. He has experienced hardship in South Africa and he is probably experiencing hardship again in his new country. Question 5 In view of the title and substance of the poem, it seems like the description of the boots passing through is a reference to the South African Armed Forces and specifically soldiers marching. It could be a reference to the enforcement of the group areas act – people were forcefully moved from their homes by soldiers. The noise of their boots must have left many fearful. Alternatively it could also be referring to the political unrest of that period in South Africa. Non-whites started standing up for their rights and the government tried to squash it by using the military to enforce their apartheid laws. Question 6 The poem is primarily about a person in exile remembering certain images from his home country whilst referring to new experiences in his adopted country. Nature is used to describe certain emotions and feelings. If we look at verse 14, reference is made of paradise. It is poignant as the overall concern of the poem is about negative experiences from both the past and present. However, the speaker uses the word paradise to tell us that we can choose to remember the good things about our past. Our memory and associations can help us remember the good things about our past. South Africa is not all doom and gloom – there are positive experiences as well. Question 7 The word benign, indicates that something/growth is not cancerous or negative. Benign indicates that it is good-natured or favorable – doing very little harm. The speaker could be referring to actual hunger or a spiritual hunger for a little sunshine that is hidden behind a cloud. The cloud is not life threatening but it is keeping the speaker from reaching his full potential or target. There is hope that this cloud can be overcome as it is benign. If one looks at the content of the poem, it is clear that the speaker is looking at a beautiful landscape and he is trying to see the positive aspects of both the picture and his life. However, he has a benign cloud covering his picture. The reader needs to answer the question â€Å"if it is possible to see the sun with this benign cloud of the past obscuring it? † Question 8 â€Å"In Exile†, by Andrew Nortje speaks to the reader from the first word in the title to the last word in the last stanza. If one looks at the content of the poem, it is clear that the poet is painting a picture of a landscape in front of him. He is making reference of open skies with strands of clouds, winds sweeping through the towers of buildings and his clothes trembling in the wind. He is also thinking about an imaginary picture of the sea. However, from the first stanza, the reader is reminded of a different landscape in another â€Å"exiled country† The poet is painting a somber picture of skies where we get flares making us anxious, soldiers passing through with their boots making noise, wrong pigment leaving you without hope or opportunity and bad memories clotting your vein of memories. At the end, the reader draws the conclusion that one can’t build a new picture of beautiful sunny days and wind still situations without making peace or taking into consideration, the memories of the past. I think the message of this poem is positive. In the beginning everything reminds the speaker of his horrid past – even blue skies with thin wispy clouds remind him of South Africa and the fear and anger he experienced there. He has definite negative feelings towards his country of origin. However, as time passes one gets the feeling that the speaker is growing into the understanding that one has to deal with the past in order to survive the present. He realises that one’s soul will decay even in exile if you don’t stop the negative memories from the past and start building a new picture with a positive attitude. One can never leave the past behind but you can turn the malignant memories into benign clouds. The poem is a free verse with no specific rhyming except in the 4th stanza. It is interesting that we only have one incident of rhyming and that is in line 17 and 19. The poet refers to â€Å"wrong pigment† that has no future and this gives the reader a strong indication that he was feeling rather negative and angry about the classification of people according to skin color. He uses 5 stanzas with no specific and they differ in length from 4 lines to 6 lines each. I think the effect of this single rhyming verse is very important. It clearly indicates the importance of the fact that once the poet was judged and classified as colored – it stayed with him and impacted his whole life. The poet used personification to help the reader understand the untold story of his past. In the first stanza the reader is told that the open skies made the poet anxious and that clouds are tracing patterns of the past. The reader gets the first indication that the poet is feeling estranged and sad about his past. He is telling the untold story of war and anxiety, things that happened in his past. The poet is using alliteration in certain instances to emphasize the stories f the past. â€Å"My heart is hollowed with the boots passing through† and â€Å"garments gather† are examples of alliteration. If we look at the language used in this poem, there is a change in tone in the poem. In the first 3 stanza’s a description is given of a nature scene or rather that is the first impression. On closer inspectio n, the reader learns about the fear experienced in â€Å"open skies† in Africa, clouds reminding you of the horrible past and wind reminding you about the horrors of the past – of boots of soldiers creating fear, anger and sadness. It seems like we are lost in the picture of the past. A perfect paradise seems impossible but then in the 4th stanza, the poet states that we to meet certain conditions in order to keep your soul from decay. In order to see your new paradise, you need to realize that you have to stop the vein of bad memories and build a new positive picture of your present life. The writer reaches a turning point in the last stanza. He no longer only seems to remember the ugly pictures of the past. He is building or describing a new nature scene by building a new picture on a sand slope. It is still very vulnerable and the grains slide away easily. However, his past is now only a benign cloud that obscures the sun. He can choose to look at this new positive landscape or picture of the sea and get hope. His past will always be part of him even in exile; however, the reader is brought to the point where he or she can choose to look at the sun through only a benign cloud. I think the use of the words â€Å"the soul decays in exile. But wrong pigment has no scope† are very important when analyzing this poem. It seems to be a turning point. This is the essence of what is hurting the writer and causing him to feel estranged and in exile. He realizes that he will not move forward as long as he only thinks about him being colored and that his soul will die if he doesn’t move on. I think the writer has succeeded in using imagery to relate the untold story of South Africa and his walk through life. He has told us about his pain and anger and the feelings of abandonment experienced in South Africa. At the end the reader is brought to the realization that in order to make peace with ones past, and see the new beautiful landscape of life, one has to move forward to a point where the hurt and anger merely becomes a dark memory, shaping the way you look at your future.

Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland I wake up to the sun heating my cold feet under my warm fuzzy blanket. The room is filled with silence as I slide out of the coziness of my covers to look outside the window. To my delightful surprise, tiny ice crystals are falling from the sky creating a white blanket on the world. In a hurry, I put on my thick heavy jacket, slide on my hefty boots, and dress my hands with my favourite waterproof gloves. I rush onto my snow-covered yard, thinking that my favourite season, winter, is finally here.With the grace of snowfall, this winter will be beautiful to look upon, fun to play within, and fills your heart with warmth. A fresh scent of pine fills the air as the bright snow gently lands on the tip of your nose. The sight of every white pine tree around you takes your breath away. Sunlight sits in the horizon while cotton-like snow falls from the sky creating random patterns. The sun beams through the snow creating sparkles like a diamond. The true beauty of nature i s only evident when the world turns into this wintery paradise. Being surrounded by pure beauty makes me feel alive.Along with its beauty, the snow creates a festival of fun. Snow crunches under my feet when I run across the fields of white fluff. The sound of screaming kids buzzes through my ear as they make their way down slippery slopes. When you pick a hand full of snow, the warmth in your gloves prevent your hands from freezing. The cold snow crunches between your gloves as you shape it into a ball. When you snowboard down the steep hill you can feel the cool wind cresting against you. Your hair dances along your cold face and the snow slushes beneath you.Every moment in the comfort of this white snowy blanket is a moment to remember. When you finally get tired of all that fun, you run inside to a steaming cup of hot chocolate mixed with big marshmallows resting upon its surface. The aroma of the hot chocolate is like a breeze of fresh air. You can feel the warmth filling your throat. Your heart is filled with the same warmth and kindness as you comfort your hands with the heat from the sparkling fire. Snow is a blessing from heaven that completes winter. The beauty of snow sparkles in everyone eyes.Outside, you see everyone laughing and playing in the scenery of snow. Indoors, the sound of the crackling fire and the sipping of hot chocolate echoes through the room. With the grace of snowfall, this winter was beautiful to look upon, fun to play within, and filled my heart with warmth. Rippan Brar English 10 Winter Wonderland I. Introduction A. Snowy mornings give you the best feeling. B. Thesis: Snow completes winter because it's beautiful, fun, and fills you with warmth.II. Snow is beautiful. A. You can see blankets of snow. B. The smell of pine is fresh. C. Snow is pure beauty. III. Snow is fun. A. Snowballs B. Snowboarding C. Sleighing IV. Snow fills you with warmth. A. The are different ways to rest after playing in the snow. B. Hot chocolate smells, tastes, and feels good. C. Heart is filled with warmth V. Conclusion A. Snow is a blessing from heaven. B. Snow changes what you do inside and outside. C. Restate Thesis: Winter is incomplete without snow because snow is beautiful, fun, and fills you with warmth.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Understanding Management accounting and Financial Management Dissertation - 1

Understanding Management accounting and Financial Management - Dissertation Example Understanding Management accounting and Financial Management In the modern business environment, budgeting provides a feasibility analysis of the present and future needs of the capital needs and resources. The usefulness of budgeting as a management control tool is very significant. Preparing budgets is the financial basis for modern business environments as it enables organizations to establish milestones, determine the internal and external potential of the business to the managers and the investors respectively. Many companies find it difficult to prepare budgets but its importance cannot be overlooked. Budgeting can provide benchmarks for the organizations and managers as how to conduct and control the operating activities so as to meet the required target provided by the budgets. Later on, the budgets can be compared with the actual results which can provide an analysis where improvements need to be made and which area needs more controlling. Since organizations can prepare many types of budgets such as sales budget, production cost budget, expense budget and so on, cash budget remains the backbone of the other budgets. The process of budgeting can facilitate the integration of goals of employees, teams and organization as a whole. If the budget is thought about as a control system, then in context with the modern business environment, it is necessary that all levels of organization participate in the process of budgeting so that when actual results are acquired, it can be compared against the budgets and measures of improvement can be suggested. (Davidson, 2009). In case of South-guys Partnership Ltd there are many ways in which the cash budget can facilitate management of control. Since the cash budget enables to plan to the usage of cash efficiently, it shows where the company has cash surplus in a given a time period and where it has deficiency thus enabling the management to make arrangements before the deficiency actually occurs or in other case, make plans for investing the surplus cash in other profitable ventures (Shim and Siegel, 2008). This is main advantage of cash budget that South-guys Partnership Ltd can use to create a better and efficient cash flow for their organization. Thus budgeting has the capability to provide forecast for the future needs of cash or funds before the organization can actually face the crisis. It allows for planning and raising of funds at reasonable costs and terms from many different sources (Rickards, 2006). In addition to this, modern business environment requires businesses to maintain liquidity the basis of which is cash requiring companies to maintain a minimum margin of cash according to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Selecting and Model and Anticipating Barriers posts Assignment

Selecting and Model and Anticipating Barriers posts - Assignment Example In matters of oral health, â€Å"...perceived severity...and...Perceived benefits† should be the main concepts in promotion of oral hygiene. Perceived severity of oral problems is usually low as oral problems are not perceived as fatal; however, quality of life is significantly lowered e.g. through pain and a problem like halitosis limits social interaction. Dentists thus can be involved in HBM by showing the benefits of prevention and healthy living; especially financial benefits and avoidance of pain (Maurer & Smith, 2009). I agree that â€Å"People know what is good for their health but it is difficult for them to change their behavior.† This might stem from them not knowing the actual steps needed to lead healthier lives in spite of them having insight to the health problems they face. By integrating people in decision-making, they are part of the solution thus likely to adopt change than when they feel the proposed changes are alien to them (Center for Disease Control and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Women's Suffrage campaigns Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Women's Suffrage campaigns - Research Paper Example This was following a long and difficult struggle against federal governments as well as the state. Previously, women never took part in general elections simply for the reason that they were women (Macbain-Stephens, 4). This paper discusses Women's Suffrage/the right to vote. Introduction Women's suffrage refers to women’s right to hold public office and to vote. The women's suffrage movement comprises of reformers’ every organized activity to add constitutional amendments and laws guaranteeing women the right to vote or to transform laws that hindered women from voting (Lewis, 1). Between early 1800s and civil war, which took place between the years 1861 and 1865, the US had a growing middle class, including families wherein while the women stayed at home taking care of their children, men held positions of lawyers, managers, business owners, among others. During this time, stereotypical ideas regarding women as well as men’s roles emerged from the culture of me n going into the world of work. People held the argument that since women were pure of heart in addition to being physically weak, only men could cope with the harsh events of the world of rough work. Another belief was that women should seldom leave home – they were expected to develop the aspects of submissiveness, purity, piety, and domesticity, maintaining the values of morality and stability in the home. They were also expected to create a getaway from the competitive world of business for their men (Macbain-Stephens, 6). Women were denied the right to own property, vote, obtain a divorce, speak in public, or serve on juries (Adams, 4). Macbain-Stephens further explains that long before and during the Progressive movement, a period of great reform (1900-1920) during which great transformations in economic, political and social ideas were occurring in the US, women had been fighting for their voting rights (they tried for more than 80 years without succeeding). In the year 1776 for example, a woman by the name Abigail Adams expressed strong views regarding her desire to take a more prominent role in the decision-making process pertaining the way in which the government was run as well as share a voice in the election of individuals who ran it. Abigail was the second US president’s wife and she wrote John Adams, her husband, a letter voicing her reaction to the proclamation that ‘all men are created equal’ after she had read a draft of the constitution that the second Continental Congress had written. In the letter, she requested her husband to ‘remember the ladies’ and be more favorable and to generous them than his ancestors. She promised that if her husband would not give particular attention and care to the ladies, they were determined to provoke a rebellion, and that they would not hold themselves bound by any laws in which they had no voice or representation (Adams, 4 &, 1-3). Abigail cauti oned against according all the power to men during the formation of a new government. According to her, the constitutional freedoms and rights were also supposed to be applicable to women too. However, Abigail’s letter did not change anything. She still held the belief that one day, women would come together to secure equal rights for themselves. By early 19th century, a period during which there was the discussion of new ideas as well as the changing of the old ideas, many people shared Abigail opinion. Equally, both men and women such as Frances Wright started protesting against the discrimination against women. a writer and editor to a newspaper known as the ‘free Enquirer’, Wright became an inspiration to many women and they

Friday, July 26, 2019

Guy Fawkes & The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 Research Paper

Guy Fawkes & The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 - Research Paper Example The paper will therefore, outline the political and historical context of the Gunpowder plot and the effect it had to Britain’s culture. Guy Fawkes is one of the York’s known historical characters, being famous for his involvement in the failed Gunpowder plot. Guy Fawkes was a protestant by birth, born in Stone gate, York in the year 1570, after which he became a Roman Catholic after his marriage. Fawkes was the only son in his parents who lived and married in Scotto. He attended school at St. Peter’s where he received Roman Catholic influences among others. Over the years, those who knew him painted him as ‘a man of great piety’ (Fraser 2010, p. 10-15). In the year 1593, he was enlisted in the Spanish Army and in the year 1596, he participated in the capture of the Calais city by the Spanish, as their war with Henry IV of France was underway. In his service in the army, he was furnished as a bravely man and an expert in mining. In the year 1602, he moved to Madrid where he met with Kit Wright and later with Thomas Winter who enrolled him in the gunpowder plot as a useful expert and was unknown to the authority. He played his part well in the plot and behaved in courage and dignity even after his arrest. For several days, Guy Fawkes withstood torture rather than selling his fellow plotters out (MALAM, & MALAM 2008, p. 20-25). Queen Elizabeth 1 had made England one of the Protestant strongholds in Europe, in which under her reign, the Catholics had suffered because of the anti-catholic laws that had been implemented. Therefore, when she died, the Catholics had hoped that King James 1 would scrap out the laws, but as time went by, the religion became stronger and the king felt that his authority was threatened so he implemented the anti-Catholic laws again. Therefore, Guy Fawkes, Robert Catesby, Thomas Percy, Thomas Wright among others

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Social justice for African American women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social justice for African American women - Essay Example ing the black women criminals,appears far easier than creating a health care system that ensures healthy babies for all citizens†. She argued that, there are two main ‘ingredients that powerful white men have poured into establishing social order.The first pertains to â€Å"the dehumanization of Africans on the basis of race,†and â€Å"the control of women’s sexuality and reproduction† (Rhapsodyinbooks, 2008). Before the feminist movement, according to Roberts the black African women had no rights; they were just slaves to the masters. In fact, the worse was they did not own their body--denied of the right to self-preservation. They were so unfortunate that they just like a chattel--a thing that could be sold. In addition, masters (the white men) would pay $400 and get a young female.The poor black woman would be forced to procreate for the masters.After she was used,the master would then sell her and her three kids for an amount of $4000. Roberts add ed that, â€Å"for slave women procreation had a little to do with liberty†... That was the scenario before, but it seems like the ban of importation of slaves during 1808 did not reach its power and influence in today’s time--United States government enslaves, criminalizes and dehumanizes those who do not compliment to the white men and women. 1.3 Injustice and Inequality Social problems in America still haunt the soul of Black women. Dawson (n.d.) stressed that white women were always praised and often tagged with kind words like industrious, intelligent, and responsible. On the contrary, Black women were dubbed as lazy, ignorant, and shiftless. Despite the provisions enclosed in 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities Reconciliation Act (PRWORA), black women were still treated the way they were before. In addition, this act discriminates the poor black women--it limits their time on aid to a lifetime maximum of five years. Further, it strictly requires single mothers to marry. Those who lived far beyond in their segregated homes would suff er to travel miles of distance just to find livelihood for their children (Rhapsodyinbooks, 2008). 1.4 Assessment Justice requires equality and just treatment--no discrimination and violation of rights. Roberts, in her exemplary work detailed the points how black women were treated as if they were not human and did not exist. She argued that the concept of â€Å"liberty† was just about and for the interest and welfare of the whites only; for those who belong to middle class--that â€Å"liberty† is just concerned on the concept of â€Å"abortion.† Towards the end, she also reiterated that many policy proposals were detrimental to the Americans specially the ‘underestimated’ black women. Her argument

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Effect of mindfullness technique Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words

Effect of mindfullness technique - Dissertation Example The objectives of this study include identification of the significance and drawbacks of the mindfulness technique. Also, it will examine the degree to which mindfulness is used and compare stress and fatigue management progress with and without it. The research method uses both qualitative and quantitative analysis, specifically narrative and thematic based upon secondary research sources. The results will provide greater insight of the mindfulness technique, including its effectiveness and range of use. After an interpretation of the research results, a conclusion based upon the objectives is provided. Table of Contents PAGE ABSTRACT 1 LIST OF TABLES 3 LIST OF FIGURES 4 CHAPTERS CHAPTER 1 – Introduction 5 1.2 Background/Justification of the Study 1.2.1 Cancer Symptoms 1.2.2 Need to Reduce Stress and Fatigue in Cancer Patients 1.2.3 Mindfulness of Cancer 1.2.4 Mindfulness Background and Justification of the Study 1.3 Aim of the Study 1.4 Formulation of the Question CHAPTER 2 – Research Methodology 16 2.1 Research Protocol 2.2 Eligibility Criteria 2.3 Search 2.4 Study Selection 2.5 Information Sources, Data Collection, and Data Items 2.6 Risk of Bias 2.7 Summary of Measures and Synthesis Results CHAPTER 3 – Findings and Results 26 3.1 Study Selection (Flow Diagram) CHAPTER 4 – Discussion 39 4.1 Limitation 4.2 Conclusion 4.3 Recommendation Bibliography 46 List of Tables Table x-1 Results and Synthesis Table x-2 Theme Results List of Figures Figure x-1 Forest Plot, RCTs Figure x-2 Presentation of Study Numbers Effect of Mindfulness Technique on Stress and Fatigue Reduction in Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 1. INTRODUCTION While considering the study on the effect of mindfulness techniques on stress and fatigue reduction in cancer patients, it is necessary to have a brief overview on the use of mindfulness techniques in cancer patients. Mindfulness-based stress reduction is a process that involves techniques of m editation (Folkman, 2010). Medical uses of the technique date back to 1979 with the ‘integration of Buddhist mindfulness meditation with contemporary clinical and psychological practice’ (Chiesa and Serretti, 2009). The technique primarily involves a specific form of awareness being developed (Strosahl, 2011), illustrated by accommodating responsiveness, frankness, inquisitiveness, and recognition of internal and external experiences of the present times that permits â€Å"practitioners to act more reflectively rather than impulsively† (Chiesa and Serretti, 2009). Extensive research has been conducted in order to study the effects of mindfulness on stress reduction. The process is a combination of meditation and yoga (Bose, 2011). When mindfulness meditation is concerned, it involves providing close consideration to experiences of the mind and body (Lambert, 2013). Studies have found several benefits of the technique that includes reduction in disturbances of the mood of an individual, stress reduction, improvement in quality of sleep, fatigue reduction, as well as controlled blood pressure (Lyman, 2009). Thus the use of this technique for stress and fatigue reduction in cancer patients have also become highly popular and considered as a common practice among other treatments and practices. Mindfulness allows individuals to experience things just as they are (Brantley, 2007). It allows the individuals,

ART THROUGH THE AGES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ART THROUGH THE AGES - Essay Example An artisan suitably applies these elements to ensure that intended information is passed to an audience. Gaultier (2012) observes that understanding functions of arts calls for analysis of various forms of art. This paper explores various aspects of arts. In particular, the paper explains my exposure to various forms of arts and relationship between arts and society. As a way of learning importance of forms of arts, I have visited various museums, attended different theatrical demonstrations, and acquired different films and photos. I have also interacted with artisans of specific forms of arts. In other words, I consider my exposure to various forms of arts as comprehensive. By visiting museums, I have learnt various techniques involved in sculpture. All carvings and sculptured products preserved in museums have also enabled me to understand how sculpture is an important mechanism of communication to humans. By sampling objects where filming, painting, and photographic skills are displayed, I have understood how artisans hybridize various elements of arts to effectively pass a message. In addition, listening to different music and attending movies and other theatrical have enabled me to understand functions of visual and performing arts. Visual and performing arts are valuable and interesting than other forms of arts. Gaultier (2012) supports the claim by asserting that visual and performing arts play crucial roles in human life. Components of visual and performing arts include: movies and cinemas, dance, music, and other theatrical demonstrations. According to Pooke & Newall (2007), the forms of arts are effective means of communication because a large audience is reached easily. Unlike sculptural works, which are mostly preserved in museums, visual and performing arts are easily displayed in several public and/or social facilities. Visual and performing arts enables an audience to easily

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Studying Abroad in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Studying Abroad in China - Essay Example It is believed this environment will provide a rich and diverse perspective applicable to a variety of circumstances, and has the added advantage of attracting other top students with which to interact and who have similar interest in experiencing the dynamic culture and creative atmosphere (Carnoy & Rhoten 2002). China is known today for its strong support of educational values based largely on its desire to become a respected political and economic world leader. The country and its leaders understand the critical importance of education's role in that achievement, and support that endeavor both financially and politically. China has many respected universities in all avenues of learning including fields of study in such disciplines as business management, technology, science, medicine, law, economics, literature, and political science. It's clear that education has played a major role in the recent economic development of China (Guo & Cummings 2005). In terms of cultural history, during the days of the Cultural Revolution, that initiative seemed to sidetrack educational initiatives.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Perinatal Factors and Schizophrenia Essay Example for Free

Perinatal Factors and Schizophrenia Essay In considering the various statistical tests, the studies have based their analysis on the total population and basically by looking at the factors that encourage the occurrence of Schizophrenia among the offspring following from the effect of these factors on the parents. That is, the factors that are likely to affect the genetic composition that is inherited by the offspring in causing schizophrenia. Various statistical tests were used that include logistic regression, Poisson regression and Mantel-Haenszel test. Systematic review was also used in the case where raw data was not used, and was done by the reviewing of the previous studies. The value of the calculated statistics The factors that were considered in the various studies are statistically significant in explaining the factors that cause schizophrenia depending on the varied populations that the studies used. The factors that are identifiable as being a cause for schizophrenia include; children who are born by the mothers who were exposed to some severe life experiences and more especially the death of a close relative during the first trimester ( Ali K, Kathryn, Roseanne, Marianne, Roger and Philip, 2008). This situation increases the possibility of the the offspring developing schizophrenia. The other factor that encourage the developing of schizophrenia among the offspring is the tendency for the parents to expose themselves to analgesics. The effect of the analgesics in encouraging the development of schizophrenia is independent of either male or female parent exposure to analgesics. The treatments offered to the mother during pregnancy also increase the possibility for schizophrenia to develop among the offspring. The other factor that is identifiable as a cause for schizophrenia among the offspring is when the mothers had a psychotic disorder during their adult life, more especially the mothers who had preeclampsia during their adult life. The place and time of birth also has an influence in causing schizophrenia among the children. The children who are born in urban areas and in some months of the years are at risk of developing schizophrenia compared to the ones born in the rural areas and in the months of the years other than March and early December. The obstetrical complications during pregnant and the infections by influenza virus are also among the factors that lead to the development of schizophrenia among the offspring. Significance to nursing practice The factors identifiable as the cause for schizophrenia are very important in the nursing practice. The nurses are able to provide advice to the mothers on the various practices that they are expected to adapt in protecting their offspring from developing of schizophrenia. Therefore, it will be a preventive measure other than curative. Following the nature of schizophrenia, it is better to prevent than providing a cure, hence significant to the nursing practice. Discussion Interpretation of the results. On analyzing all the articles, it is identifiable that all the studies had focused on the causes of schizophrenia among the offspring following the various factors that surrounded the parents, that is, both the male and the female parents. Therefore, schizophrenia is perceived as being a genetic complication that is transmitted from the parents to their offspring. Implications The main cause for schizophrenia is the genetic distortion that occurs within the parents following some factors, which is later evident in the offspring. Therefore, schizophrenia is an hereditary complication. Study Limitations The information used in some other studies was never complete, that is some information were missing for some objects used in the study. The strengths and the weaknesses of the Study. The studies provide a mixed reaction following the various factors that are considered as a cause for schizophrenia and they have not given the genetic mechanisms that are involved in occurrence schizophrenia, otherwise, they have used an inductive approach. Summary The cause for schizophrenia is attributed to the factors that affect parents of an offspring and more especially during pregnancy. The factors affect the genetic structure that is later reflected in the characteristics of the offspring.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Power Of Shakespeares Macbeth

The Power Of Shakespeares Macbeth The world of Macbeth explores the destructive nature of power and ambition through the collapse of individual identity and the Christian emphasis on the moral hierarchy. Published in 1623, nearly twenty years after it was first performed, Macbeth was written shortly after James VI of Scotland ascended the English throne, and Shakespeares play clearly supports his divine right to the throne. Shakespeare was inspired by Raphael Holinsheds Chronicle of the reigns of Duncan and Macbeth (A.D. 1034-57), but the invention of the framework of the witches who tempt both Banquo and Macbeth with prophecies of greatness are his own. A story of witchcraft, murder and vengeance, Macbeth can be read as a morality play which warns against the dangers of ambitious power. Clearly, Macbeth is a figure whose ambition and hubris result in his fall from power, echoing the biblical story of the fall from grace; however, the play also expresses a profound fear of feminine power as subversive and destructive. The very text of Macbeth itself reflects the single-minded ambition of its main character. With only 2,100 lines, Macbeth is one of Shakespeares shortest plays, and with the exception of such characters as the porter, is devoid of the subplots which characterise Shakespearean tragedies. Coleridge has noted that the play begins at an aggressive pace with Hamlets gradual ascent from the simplest forms of conversation to the language of impassioned intellect, and Bradley follows by describing the beginning of the play as one in which the action burst into wild life. Shakespeares typical tragic worldview represents a complex human world of infinite variety. Macbeth, in contrast, is sparse and single-minded because it is a symbolic play which resorts to soliloquy and symbolic locales to echo the dichotomous world of the Christian morality plays. The focus of Macbeth, like that of Shakespeares famous tragedy Richard III, is an egotistical man with measureless will power who murders his way to the crown and, in doing so, alienates himself from the very world which he wishes to rule. It is commonly said by Shakespearean critics that Macbeths tragic flaw is ambition, and he himself admits that he has no drive but vaulting ambition, but it is ambition without reason or application. He does not, like Shakespeares Tamburlaine, believe it to be passing brave to be sovereign king and ride in triumph through his kingdom, or even desire the power which he would then have over his comrades. Indeed, the sole drive behind Macbeths ambition seems to be the act of competition itself, which is clearly shown by his celebrated success on the battlefield. The audience is introduced to Macbeth through the description by the Sergeant in Act I Scene II. The description of the battle scene and Macbeths eruptive entrance into the horde of kerns and gallowglasses reveals Macbeths ambition and the violence of his power. Brave Macbeth well he deserves that name Disdaining fortune, with his brandishd steel Which smokd with bloody execution, Like valours minion, carvd out his passage Till he facd the slave; Which neer shook hands, nor bade farewell to him, Till he unseamd him from the nave to th chaps, And fixd his head upon our battlements (I.ii. 16-23) Macbeths fierce interruption into The fray and his ruthless domination on the battlefield are indicative of his insatiable thirst for power and status in the political arena. The rhetoric of the soldiers description paints a picture of an epic struggle of good versus evil, with the defiant Macdonwald and the villanies of nature swarming like flies, and Macbeths interruption is both violently brutal and magnificent. This introduction to Macbeth is fitting, for he is a character of decisive action and agency, and his ruthless domination of the battlefield foreshadows his ruthless domination of the political scene as well. However, unlike Macbeth himself, his wife does not have agency of her own, and must enact her own desires and drive through the action of her husband. Her power lies in the power to persuade, and indeed it is argued that the female characters in Shakespeares play hold the real power in the action of the play itself. In Act 1 Scene 7, Lady Macbeth tries to drive her husbands courage to the sticking point by questioning his manhood. She mocks him with the reminder that it was his initial idea to plan the murders, and if he fails to follow through he is weak and impotent. What beast wast then / That made you break this enterprise to me? (I.vii. 47-48), suggesting that it was Macbeths own evil mind which began the murderous plan, and the witches manipulated his ambitious nature rather than revealing him to be the victim of fate. Lady Macbeth herself describes her husband: I do fear thy nature: Thou wouldst be great; Art not without ambition, but without The illness should attend it; what thou wouldst highly, That wouldst thou holly; wouldst not play false And yet wouldst wrongly win Hie thee hither, That I may pour my spirits in thine ear, And chastise with the valour of my tongue All that impedes thee from the golden round Which fate and metaphysical aid doth seem To have thee crownd withal (I.v.14-28) Lady Macbeth recognises that her husband has the potential for great power, but lacks the fundamental hard nature and cunning wit to achieve the high reaches for which they both aspire. She, however, has the necessary ruthless nature and calculating wit and vows to help her husband in his ascension to power. The characterisation of the relationship between Lord and Lady Macbeth, like that of the witches and Macbeth, reveals an anxiety of female power as manipulative and subversive. Macbeth is a murderer in thought if not in action at this point, and the lady acknowledges openly that his milk of human kindness will not dissuade him from attempting regicide, but only from catching the nearest way, that, executing it himself. Lady Macbeth, coming upon her husband as he finishes his soliloquy full of cold calculation of his success rate, questions his manhood as an attempt to persuade him to action. I dare do all that may become a man; / Who dares do more is none When you durst do it, then you were a man (I.vii. 46-7, 49). Lady Macbeth draws him on with the idea of decisive action, countering his doubts of the great taboos against the deed. Lacking the authority to both independently gain political and social power, and to enact the murders necessary to further their position, Lady Macbeth wields her powers of persuasion to manoeuvre her husband. According to Janet Adelman, the play strikingly constructs the fantasy of subjection to maternal malevolence in two parts, in the witches and in Lady Macbeth so that what the witches suggest about the vulnerability of men to female power on the cosmic plane, Lady Macbeth doubles on the psychological plane (Adelman 97). Critics have noted the parallel between Lady Macbeth and the witches in their attempt to subversively gain power over the male characters. In Macbeth, manhood is tied to ideals of strength and the force of will. Lady Macbeth uses the idea of manhood to manipulate her husband, knowing that in his desperate attempt to prove his manhood and advance politically he will do anything she tells him. Macbeth, under the influence of female power of both his wife and the weird sisters, murders Duncan, but his increasingly violent form of power is an attempt to escape from this manipulative feminine influence. Macbeth carries out the murderous intent which Lady Macbeth so shrewdly articulates, and despite his efforts to establish his own ambitious power, he embodies her fantasy of subversive power. And yet, Macbeth is unaware of his own manipulation and rejects the women in his life. To be dependent on a woman is to be threatened with a loss of autonomous selfhood, in essence emasculating him and stripping him of his source of masculine, martial power. Lady Macbeth, paralleled with the enigmatic power of the three witches, is representative of the cultures deepest fear of the subversive and destructive power of the feminine. Common critical opinion reduces Lady Macbeth to a fierce, cruel woman, brandishing a couple of daggers, and inciting her husband to butcher a poor old king (Jameson 369), and this sense of self-interested manipulation has shifted the culpability for the murder of the King away from Macbeth to the women whispering in his ear. Beyond the obvious concern with the problematics of political power as divinely bestowed, Macbeth is a play that explores the nature of masculine and feminine power. Lady Macbeth becomes the psychological force over her husband in order to arouse the initiative and violence for the deed, and in the act deprives Macbeth of his masculine power. Back to: Example Essays Works Cited Adelman, J. (1987) Born of Woman: Fantasies of Maternal Power in Macbeth in Cannibals, Witches, and Divorce: Estranging the Renaissance. ed. by M. Garber. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 90-121. Jameson, A. (1979) Characteristics of Women: Moral, Political and Historical, London: George Bell and Sons. Shakespeare, W. (1997) Macbeth. ed. by A. R. Braunmuller. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Infant Vs Believers Baptism Theology Religion Essay

Infant Vs Believers Baptism Theology Religion Essay The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible argues that baptism is a rite using water as a symbol of religious purification. The origin of Christian baptism is to be found within Judaism, and it is improbable to suggest the derivation of the Christian rite from the mystery cults. At first term baptism meant the provision of cultic purity, and then in the NT it was extended to express the complete renewal of human existence. The rite of baptism with water as a symbol of entry into the Christian community was practiced from the day of Pentecost. The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible links baptism with repentance and with the reception of the Holy Spirit. The fullest NT exposition of the meaning of baptism is to be found in the Pauline letters. Paul teaches that baptism is the means of incorporation into the Christian community, which is the body of Christ; through baptism the Spirit is received, and the barriers that divide men, whether of race or of class, are thus overcome (1 Cor. 12 :12-13). At the same time, John administered a repentance-baptism for the forgiveness of sins (Mk. 1:4) in anticipation of the baptism of Spirit and the fire that the Messiah would exercise (The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible, 1962). Christian baptism is rooted in the redemptive action of Jesus. The command to baptize falls of necessity in the resurrection era, when redemption has been achieved, universal authority accorded to the risen Lord, and the mission of the church to the world begun (The Dictionary of New Testament Theology, 1989). Baptism seems to have accompanied the proclamation of the gospel from the beginning of the churchs mission. According to the Dictionary of New Testament Theology baptism is administered in the name of Jesus Christ; it is for the forgiveness of sins and with a view to the gift of the Holy Spirit. Personally for me, baptism is a very intimate topic. I was baptized, when I was an infant. Actually, everybody in my family was baptized in the early childhood. My mother is a proponent of infant baptizing, as she supposes that children should be taught about Christian living from the time they are born and during their entire life. Her argument is that we are all Gods children and there is no need to wait to become a real Christian. Parents should foster love for God and Bible in children in order to be thankful to God for His tremendous grace, generosity and love He has for us. I also see baptizing as the sign of love and repentance. Moreover, Im thankful to my parents for their decision to baptize me as an infant, as I lived my entire life with the Christian living in my mind. We need to understand the doctrine of baptism in order to live a faithful Christian life. Moreover, the understanding of the doctrine of Baptism is needed as it has a great influence in the church today. When people are baptized, they identify themselves with Christs death, burial and resurrection (Stringer, M. D., 2005). The proof for such an assumption can be seen in Romans 6:3-4: Or dont you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. So, baptism is an important rite, which signifies our new life in Jesus Christ. Moreover, we should understand infant baptizing, as this concept suggests being a Christian from the time of birth till death. Infant baptizing is the best view on the doctrine of baptism, as it provides the opportunity of faithful living in Jesus Christ from the early childhood. Infant baptism should be undertaken in order to foster love for God, faith, repentance and living by Ten Commandments in children since early childhood. There are two main views on the time, when the person should be baptized: credobaptism and paedobaptism. According to Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, credobaptism is the practice of baptizing only those who are able to make a profession of faith. Credobaptism is also called Believers baptism. Credobaptists are the proponents of the baptism by immersion. Believers baptism view in based on the assumption that baptism should be given: 1) to all those who have learned repentance and amendment of life; 2) who believe truly that their sins are taken away by Christ; 3) to all those who walk in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and wish to be buried with him in death, so that they may be resurrected with him; 4) to all those who with this significance request baptism of us and demand it for themselves (Baptist Roots: a Reader in the Theology of a Christian People, 1999.). Moreover, the proponents of believers baptism argue that there is no direct evidence in the NT for the bapti sm of infants. Moreover, during the time of the NT only adults were baptized, when they showed their faith and repentance. Moreover, the proponents of believers baptizing argue that linguistically the word baptism means immersion and indirectly implies that baptism is not for infants. Another argument in favor of believers baptism is that whenever baptisms are recorded, the text always specifies that the baptized come up out of the water, again demonstrating baptism by immersion (Wright, D. F. et all, 2009). Moreover, in Romans 6:3-4 and Colossians 2:12 baptism pictures the believers death to the old life and regeneration and conversion to newness of life. The proponents of believers baptizing argue that being plunged under the water and raised up from the water symbolizes the spiritual reality, a reality that is only possible for believers who are trusting in Christ and indwelt by the Spirit. According to Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, paedobaptism is the practice of baptizing infants. The first explicit reference to infant baptism in Christian history is that made by Irenaeus, about A.D. 180, who speaks of all who through Christ are born again to God, infants and children and boys and youths and old men, born again to God being a technical phrase meaning baptism (Dictionary of New Testament Theology, 1989). The belief that the apostles commanded the baptism of infants as well as of responsible persons is attested as early as Origen (3rd century A.D.), and apart from some notable exceptions it became the unquestioned conviction of Christendom until the present century. The proponents of the paedobaptism argue that despite the lack of direct evidence of the infant baptism in the NT, the indirect evidence of infant baptism can be read in various lines of the NT. The proponents of infant baptism argue that baptism in the NT is closely related to the circumcisio n in the OT. J. Jeremias has argued that Paul may have been instrumental in thus putting forward baptism as the Christian equivalent of Jewish circumcision (Colossians 2:11-12). Moreover, the argument for infant baptism states that the NT has a lot of evidence for household baptism and according to the evidence found in Stauffer, in the contemporary use of the word household young children were specifically included (Wright, D. F. et all, 2009). I am the proponent of infant baptizing, as I see this type of baptizing more reasonable within the Christian theology. I suppose that people should be baptized as infants, so that they can become Christians, be taught about faith, love and repentance, and in order to give them an opportunity to live a consistent Christian life. The most influential argument for infant baptism is the relationship between the circumcision in the OT and the baptism in the NT. In order to understand, how these sacraments relate, we should conduct a deep analysis. The Scripture teaches that baptism signifies the forgiveness and purification from sins, and spiritual resurrection. The Scripture also says that we are baptized in Jesus Christ. Moreover, baptism is seal with which we witness that the Lord is our God and that we are His people. The OT says that the Lord wants to be Abrahams God and God of his descendant by giving the covenant of circumcision. Moreover, the Lord says that He wants to see Abraham to be in wholeness and immaculacy. Here we can see that death and resurrection are implied in circumcision. So, the circumcision is the same as baptism, as they both include the promise of the forgiveness of sins and the resurrection after the death. Jesus Christ is the basis for both circumcision and baptism, as He represents the fulfillment of the Promise. Now the conclusion can be made that everything what belongs to circumcision, belongs to baptism as well (except the visual rite). The Lord demands the circumcision of the infants in Genesis 17:12: For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised, including those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner-those who are not your offspring. So, thanks to the established relationship between circumcision and baptism it is reasonable to suggest, that the circumcision of the infants relate to infant baptism. Another argument for infant baptism can be derived from Luke 18:15-16, where Jesus states: let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. If Jesus allows infants to come to Him, in such a way he allows infant baptism as this is the sign of our communication and connection with Jesus Christ. The opponents of infant baptism argue that Jesus Christ invited grown up children but mistakenly called them infants, as He asked them to come to Him. However, this argument is disproved, as the Scripture refers infants to the children, who should be carried in the arms. So, in these verse we should understand the verb to come in the meaning of the verb to approach. Another argument against infant baptism is that Luke 18:15-16 says that the kingdom of God belongs to such as these (infants) but not to these (infants). However, this argument is easily and logically disproven, as Jesuss reason for allowing infants to approach Him is that t he kingdom of God belongs to them. This verse should be interpreted as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ for the kingdom of God belongs to these and such as these. The passage of Luke 18:15-17 is crucial to the understanding of infant baptism. Luke 18:15 : People were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. According to Clarkes Commentary, it was a common custom among the Jews to lay their hands on the heads of those whom they blessed, or for whom they prayed. This seems to have been done by way of dedication or consecration to God the person being considered as the sacred property of God even after. Often God added a testimony of his approbation, by communicating some extraordinary influence on the Holy Spirit. This rite has been long practiced among Christians, when persons are appointed to any sacred office. However, the consecration of children to God has grown out of use. The second part of the verse can be interpreted from the view that the disciples rebuked the parents, as they considered infants too young to receive good. Luke 18:16-17: But Jesus called the child ren to him and said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. This verse shows that Christ loves infants simplicity and innocence. According to Clarkes Commentary, Jesus has sanctified infants very age by passing through it himself the holy Jesus was once a little child. Moreover, Jesuss emphasis on the big part of the kingdom of God composed of such should be taken literally; and only those who resemble little children should be received into it. According to Commentary on the Whole Bible, in these two verses our Lord meant to inform us, that seeing grown people must become childlike in order to be capable of the Kingdom of God, therefore they should not hinder infants from coming to Him, and therefore He took up and blessed the infants themselves. All in all Jesus words about little children provide an example of the attitude essential for receiving Gods grace. Childlike qualities such as trust, openness, and the absence of holier-than-thou attitudes are presented in this view. This shows that Jesus had compassion even on infants too young to understand the difference between right and wrong (The Expositors Bible Commentary, 1984). This passage indirectly bears on question of infant baptism. The major argument of the opponents of infant baptism is the fact that people should be baptized after conscious understanding of the responsibility they take. Moreover, they argue that people should be baptized after they acknowledge their faith. However, the opponents of infant baptism argue that leaving an infant until the time, when he/she will acknowledge his/her faith, means leaving the infants to be the children of Adam for a period of time. We experience death in Adam, because of the original sin. However, Jesus allows infants to approach Him, which means He wants to establish connection with them in order to revive them (Luke 18:15-16). Infant baptizing is the best view on the doctrine of baptism, as it provides the opportunity of faithful living in Jesus Christ from the early childhood. The NT indirectly supports infant baptism. As baptism is the same as circumcision (except the visual rite), then infant baptism is allowed and appreciated by God (Colossians 2:11-12; Acts 16:33). Moreover, Luke 18:15-16 proves that Jesus Christ allowed infant baptism, by calling the infants to approach Him. The baptism of household, which is mentioned all over the NT, implicitly means infant baptizing, as in the contemporary use of the word household young children were specifically included. The doctrine of infant baptism perfectly fits in other related doctrines: the doctrine of circumcision, the doctrine of faith, the doctrine of repentance, the doctrine of forgiveness and the doctrine of resurrection. It doesnt really contradict with any of these doctrines. The doctrine of circumcision is very similar to the doctrine of infant baptism, as the basis for them is Jesus Christ, who is seen as the fulfillment of the Promise. The doctrine of faith, repentance, forgiveness and resurrection perfectly fits in the definition of infant baptism: infants are baptized to be forgiven for sins, purified and be spiritually resurrected. Moreover, infant baptism encourages Christian living full of faith and repentance. The significance of the doctrine of infant baptism is the removal of the original sin from the infants. In such a way children may possess the relationship with Christ since early childhood. Infant baptizing can make a difference for Christian life in a way it allows the children to be under Christs influence and care since birth. Children are purified and become new born Christians, who need to be taught about love for God, faith, repentance and living by Ten Commandments. These doctrines are best understood and learned, when taught since childhood. I suppose that infant baptism can bring more true believers to the church.

Does Business have Social Obligations? Essay -- Business Management St

Does Business have Social Obligations? In today's society people are being laid off or losing jobs everyday. Many times it is because a company is going out of business, or may not need as many employees. The company often times cannot afford to pay extra workers. During these circumstances, a question of responsibility and obligations begin to rise. Should businesses in today's free market economy have an obligation to be socially responsible for these actions which the businesses or company carries out? Businesses operating in a free market economy have limited obligation to be socially responsible. People who lose their jobs because a company is going out of business do not have a choice in the matter. They have not done anything wrong , but happen to be in the wrong place...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Media :: essays research papers

As we look at our society and culture as a whole, we see that violence does exist in vast amounts. The problem of violence is compounded by the constant saturation that media coverage often provides. The media creates an almost artificial world for young people who do not have a single family member or extended family member to provide any small measure of love and kindness towards them. Naisbitt suggests that the boys involved in the Columbine shootings were absorbed in an environment full of violence. By means of television, movies, video games and other sources of electronic entertainment these boys became engrossed by aggression and violent behavior (81). While Naisbitt says that it is the violence that drove these boys to commit such a heinous crime, he never proposes that it could have been the lack of family that led these young boys to violence. Often we do not see that people are driven towards violence of the media because of family neglect. Overall, we need to create an environment in which parent and child can easily live and play together, so we can draw their attention away from this enticing entertainment. If we find that it is often the â€Å"latch-key† children whose parents work that more quickly turn to violence, then can we create programs to keep these children otherwise occupied? Violence serves as a diversion and a source of entertainment for children, but if we are able to create an enriching setting for our youth, one which places family on a high level we can often avoid many of the violent acts which do take place.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When we live in a world where we can feel loved and supported, we do not take wrong turns as often. It is not necessarily a family that one needs to maintain a violence free existence, but the inclusion of loving and caring people in one’s life. Perhaps more thinking about how to build family outside the traditional definition of the perfect family is necessary in one’s own quest against violence. When I think about my own transition from living in a small town just outside of Boston, a relatively safe large city to the completely new city of New Orleans, I recognize a basic truth about family. As I find myself in an entirely different part of the country engrossed in an entirely different culture, I often feel unsafe and alone in this city, new to me which I call my home .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

What makes a business successful?

I have chosen to analyses three successful businesses to understand how each business has gained their success, these businesses Include Apple, Sad and McDonald's. Other than having success with a growing profit I will explain other factors that they have used. Apple Is an Innovative business that has dominated the technology sector. They have plenty of experience, since they have been In the technology industry for over 30 years.This means they have enough knowledge for their market and know how to meet consumer demands. Also they have an excellent racketing team that promotes their product worldwide most commonly through their simple yet effective TV adverts. They have a strong brand identity compared to its competitors since their apple logo is so recognized worldwide. Sad is a massive supermarket the 2nd largest retailer in the I-J following behind Tests. However I still believe that Sad is successful due to their main aim that Is based upon focusing on their customers.This Inclu des providing a friendly service and also by consistently putting the customer first by lowering prices to save money which automatically attracts more new consumers and also growing a larger market online. McDonald's Is the world's most popular fast food franchise with over 60 million customers per day. I believe It's such a successful company because of their sponsorship deals, they often team up with media partners for example film companies such as Dreadlocks when they release a new movie you are likely to see that theme in your local McDonald's.Also they have mastered international expansion which creates a huge global presence within over 100 countries. I have also chosen three businesses that are unsuccessful to carry out further research on which includes Blockbuster I-J, HEM and Comet. I will explain why I consider each business has failed in their market and how we can learn from their mistakes. Blockbuster UK is a film rental store that used to dominate the industry.It's faced troubles from the Increase of competitors that are online, they offer to stream films over the Internet which Is more suited to their current target market that are technology obsessed. The business which Is currently dominating Is Nettling that Is a popular website rather than a postal service meaning it's more ideal. It's a wealthy and powerful rival. What we can learn from this is that as a business you have to develop and match customers needs by focusing on what would be preferred by the customer and always adapting to new trends.HEM had an overall decline in sales for CDC and DVD'S undermined by competition from online retailers and online downloads. The common trend among music lovers was to buy their music in digital form rather than buying a CD. HEM has failed to keep their face and instead struggled with handling debt. What we can learn from this is exactly the same with Blockbusters that we need to develop the business in different ways to attach the target market a llowing them to survive and succeed such as WHO Smith.Comet reached a downfall due to new competitors and the movement of Internet competitors Is popular meaning other competitors have a larger target market and loyal customers. Also the market Is extremely competitive since new products are being made so princes half each year which means retailers have to sell double to online because it tends to be cheaper. What we can learn from this is that to become a successful business you need to understand the online world. Business must now offer different options such as a shop and a website.

The Nile Turn to Blood

There was a Plague that theology had put on Egypt c eached the Nile turn to seam. Once I represent the passage I realized the umpteen powers of divinity. He told Moses he would make him like God to Pharaoh and he was to say everything that God had commended him to say. God told Moses to tell Pharaoh to permit his population go which was the Israelites. Pharaoh who had a hard pump did not listen to Moses and did not permit the people go instead he asked Moses to perform a miracle and then he would.God gave Moses and Aaron the power to do so and dour their staff into a serpent further Pharaohs Magicians was able to do the comparable. So Pharaoh didnt believe he was a God and refused again to let the people go. Then the Lord told Moses to go back to Pharaoh and met him at the Nile when he goes disclose for water. Then tell him that the Lord God of the Hebrews said to let his people go so that they could worship him but since he did not listen he depart make the Nile turn into ancestry and all the Fish entrust die and it will stink and the Egyptians will not be able to drink its water.Moses did what he was told and turned the Nile into relationship. Then Pharaoh Magicians was able to do the same so Pharaoh still did not let the People go. This passage relates to this gentlemans gentleman right away in many ways. We may not accommodate a Nile undecomposed of blood but we book wars that are carried come out in which many people fork over lost their lives in rivers and lakes and even ponds with their blood drained into them. We have murders who would charge individual and through the bodies in lakes and rivers.We have hunting watch who will hunt sharks and whales for the fun of it and kill them and their blood are lost in the seas and oceans . We may not have rivers and streams full of blood but we defiantly have blood in them. This whole world is cursed with blood stains and only we have the power to change that. God was in control of the blood in the Nile but we are in control of the blood that are lost in our streets and water. Ive learned that God is a unchewable God and is capable of mighty things. He will do what he says he will do.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Money in Marriage Essay

bullion is a vital comp onenessnt for a sustainable and harmony life. Knowing the main function of gold in spousal relationship is important for a made coupling. According to (Loh,2012) a research by anguish Money magazine, cited by shows that 70% of spouses surveyed discuss closely cash no less than one hebdomadary while 36% of men and 40% of women cede that they lied to their couple about their spending. some couples do non aware about the importance of gold.The might to collapse household and utility bills, the tendency to correspond the small fryren overreach their rights as sound as the materialize to subscribe a cheery and sustainable surviving are therefore, the importance of coin in marriage. wholeness of the reasons why bullion is important in marriage is to pay household and utility bills. Just same how organizations fox their organizations pecuniary details each year to trace how they spend their notes to pay for things married couples in li ke manner urgency to memorialise their expenditure and examined them monthly. (Eugene, 2009).A couples submit to distribute their gold to pay the energy, electrical and telecom bills. Electricity is prerequisite to reign all home utilities much(prenominal) as refrigerator, television, radio, including hot water heaters and water pump that take on toilet to work. Besides electrical bills a telecommunication bills also need to be managed well so that we arsehole ensure smooth communication betwixt a family members. The subject of communication utilities is such as encompass telephone, satellite television service and lucre service.For instance communication utilities such as net raft be utilise by the family members particularly children who are still study to find information, decease with their friend, and sharing their opinion. A married couple also need to allocate their funds for the household nutrition bud adhere. The monthly budget for the food and grocerie s of the house should be managed accurately. It is signifi shadowert to slide by them with a healthy-balanced diet and hike up them to work out frequently (Vijaindren, 2012).Parents should aware that your child needs a variety of food to elicit his growth, strengthen his immune system and support his mindset and nervous system. So it apprise be abstain that money is important in marriage to get under ones skin a healthy lifestyle because an apple a day buns dungeon a define away. Another importance of money in marriage is to ensure children get their rights. A beneficial precept is a necessary for children (Rosmah, 2010). Every child should have an adequate facts of life to secure their future. Money place be used to pay necessary fees regarding the education or study.For example, money can be used to pay an education fees for children who studying at primary, lowly or correct children at the college. As an example, money is useful for buying a basic need for children education such as school uniform, stationeries, and of stock a books. Every child deserved an surplus education such as home train or tuition. With money, tuition fees and additional books can be paid consistently. According to Rosmah (2010, as cited in Lim (2010) a marriage that has consistency in money should give their children a well-nourished life.Every parent can make their children more valuable and comfortable with money. For example provide a comfortable shelter such as personal room for their uses. Furthermore with money parents will have the tendency to ensure that children get their rights. As an example, children nowadays will request for an cutting-edge gadgets, such as smart phone, tablet, or even an android phone. This can be fulfilled with money. Thus, money is important not only for an adult, but can be very useful for a sustainable in childrens life.One of the other reasons why money is important in marriage is to have comfortable and sustainable life. Najib(2 012, as cited in Shuman, 2012) My feverent paying attention is to ensure that each and every one of our unexampled productive adults and, indeed the future generation of Malaysian will have enough savings and financial pluss to enjoy their retirement to the fullest. This pension final cause is one of the ways to have a sustainable life. Many of young married couple do not aware about the importance of this pension scheme it is to persuade and influence people to set divagation money for the upcoming and urgent situation.For instance one of the family members having any major health fuss such as cancer or heart problem that need to spend a lot of money to heal at least this scheme can support it. Another importance of money is to keep away the future cohort to cope with problem and struggle to have a sustainable and comfortable life. Life insurance gives a person fall out to propose a consistent financial for his or her family in the event of disaster or measly health proble m happen to the family members (Morris, 2010). With the power of money a couple can buy a life insurance for their house, vehicle and family member.For example when a giant Tsunami hits Japan on 2012 many facilities and substructure has been demolished, at the same time many victim had lost their family members. So the reason why you need to take out an insurance policy is to bear after whos left behind you particularly the ones that you loved. In a nutshell, the importance of money in marriage include chance to have a comfortable and sustainable life, the tendency to ensure the children get their rights as well as the ability to pay household and utility bills.Money is vital asset that are useful for a long time, and can secure the future. Thus, money must be managed well to ensure that the flow of money will run smoothly and can lead to a sustainable life and harmony marriage. Everyone must have their experience budget so we can prepare for the unpredictable thing that may o ccur. Tracking your money expenses, attain a monthly budget, prepare for unexpected emergencies, and mean for big expenses are few steps that can be made to managed money well. This can inculcate a person to become a theater of operations and independent in his life.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Domestic Violence In Sports Essay

passim hi bosh, sports musicians harbour been in the unexclusive eye. Theyre whatsoever(prenominal)(prenominal) mind of as the do-or- travel(a) catchs to those who intrust a rush in the conference or regular the top supportbreaking cull outs who atomic number 18 dedicated. When idea of the uninventive traits of a rarified figure as soulfulness whos trust valuey, satin flower and viewed to be an unshakable individual. plainly as we either last non e very story is what whatsoever may auspicate evince fracture. state omit to shed light on that their fighter harming sports players we inspire on during gimpy long metre be unspoilt give cargon every sensation in the world. The dubiousness creationness how neverthelesst joint we do a confederacy with unmatcheds that real(a) gradient may and be shown? In juvenile-fangled weeks, sports media has been din with tabloids approximately home(prenominal) wildness berths of long-fa miliar players in their group discussions. As we the in the cosmos eye(predicate) hold up intrigued to advert these players work forcestruate from their fadeless perspective from committing much(prenominal)(prenominal) a disgust apprehension to be insufferable for them. As fans typic both(a)y precisely interest a survey of their lives on the depicted object I infer to investigate if its to a greater extent of a rap to them or a honestness of everyones great power to be held as. Would the standards be different if your fix in confederacy didnt study as overmuch as the offensive activity that has been committed should?An bind published online in regular army instantly put tabu week, states that so far with the twofold controversies way out on in the NFL and the nation, is fetching much engageed sue towards players intricate in the national emphasis convictions much(prenominal) as. Actions ar in improver universe interpreted in aggro ups ex re reposeable the Baltito a greater extent Ravens tally back emit strain, was supercharged with a internal force-out case with an trespass his thusly-fiance Janay sift, who was left unconscious mind for in an elevator. rice is know to def death a dust record, later on governance released the goggle box of Rice and his then fiance knocked out the correspondence among the NFL and the Ravens to end Rices slim down pastime up with an suspicious suspension. This decisiveness was in make for by researchers- Erik Brady and Jim Corbett some(prenominal)(prenominal) diarist for the States Today. In improver to the NFL furthers fetching process an bind by researcher leave behind Brinson a precedential NFL Writer, writes periodic binds and directs videos for CBS Brinson quotes avowal from a memoranda from Commissioner Roger Goodell to the 32 NFL owners The NFL is hiring quartet women advisors in plastic the confederations positioning on house servant military group, The league is attempting to change the anticipation of how it handles interior(prenominal)ated fury with the hopes of creation looked at for an importunate move towards change.Goodell wrote, Be dumbfound interior(prenominal) wildness and cozy profane ar free social issues, we put one over diligent direct experts to result alter advice and counsel in ensuring that the NFLs programs weigh the to a greater extent than or less real and useful approaches. In addition to Goodells memo, he in exchangeable manner express a protrude for the foursome women such as Lisa Friel, the origin excite villainy criminal prosecution unit of measurement in unuse York County regularize lawyers maculation to be one of the women to peruse the NFLs efforts. house servant military force is the air used by one soul in a alliance to accommodate the other. This force play takes place in umpteen forms and mass pass by all the time or erstwhile in a while. Although both men and women argon capable to abuse, the closely parking lot cases ar cognize to be base traffic with women who stick been in some form neglect or abused. In studies cases of domestic force play stimulate been on the rise, import to a greater extent cases of not scarcely celebrities muchover spate all nigh the nation. As the talking rises of domestic emphasis cases pertaining to sports flock identify this as disaster and a new cause to umbrage that has been occurrence for decades. Its taken infinitesimal poignancy on the genuine dupe but more on the player who is at fault. In the SBNation article compose by Stephen Poseour Blake, stating that virtually fans ar flex towards argue team players kinda than facts of life sensation for those who affirm been emotionally and physically wedge by the abomination through with(p).When do we lease ourselves, is accompaniment something worth it? With a individualised persuasion that we should live by the rules of treating everyone with pallidity and honesty as fans denominate sports players to be. In conclusion, I believe that athletes are toughened to an bound standard compared to everyone because more is invested into their prosperous than their downfall. to a greater extent cases of domestic violence are proper better cognise to the public particularly in sports largely pertaining to players in the NFL league. My feelings towards this paper are that crimson with fame of being cognize for a endowment is a very antiquated exploit thats badlyly a(prenominal) disembowel to achieve. concourse quiet need to derive that no numerate how famous a soul becomes their legato responsible for their actions. somebodyally I hypothesize that more should be done to the soulfulness criminate of the shame erect as equally for soulfulness who isnt on the fame radar. punishment shouldnt have a bun in the oven a mark comely beca use this person is well- known. along with fans treating the victims more like the criminals quite of the players. When in franknessbeing a die hard fan doesnt forever and a day crocked encouraging whats wrong.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Beowulf’s Defining Characteristic

Beowulf taste Beowulf, resembling so some otherwise heroes, is expound as a undischarged fghter and a homophile of long strength. He has sanction bordering on insanity. He is free to do some(prenominal) it takes to take in reliance and cheer his peck. He chooses to fght Grendel, an unconquerable fiend strip and exposed because he is genuinely confident(p) in his admit strength. scorn his umteen an(prenominal) qualities that devil him who he is, g all(prenominal)antry is the defining character of resolution in Beowulf.Beowulf has a ironlike require to evince his valor to others. He travelled to the grunge of the Danes in large infract to designate his endurance by destroying Grendel. al champion as he was just about to annihilate Grendel, he offered a supplication to perfection. aft(prenominal)(prenominal) the involvement, Beowulf knew that he did not tear Grendel alone. He says that God bothowed him to shoot down the ogre and gave h im all of the credit. Beowulf then intrepidly goes to Grendels mothers resistance hideaway after she attacks the mead-hall Heorot to avenge his eath.Beowulf became rule of the farming of the Geats. His outset oc transfuseation as he pattern was defend the Geats from a terrible cream of tartar. The dragon was enkindle because a handmaiden take an ornamented cup from him. ahead winning in his biggest battle thus far, he carcass adventurous and confident. Beowulf remembered all of his historic victories and knew he had to apprehension unwavering to his mint, no progeny what the take exception was. with Beowulfs valor, strength, and loyalty, he acquire the abide by of many plenty.His actions jibe one of Americas or so outstanding political fgures, Martin Luther King, junior MLK and Beowulf both assume the intentions expiration and protect their people. Beowulf deliver his people from giant, unconquerable deuces, maculation MLK salvage his people from the monster of racism. The 2 of them showed an dreadful sum of money of bravery slice doing this. Although their hardships and battles were all in all divers(prenominal) from each other, their motives and intentions to save up their people were roughly identical.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

An Analysis of How the UK Newspapers Reported the Senkaku Islands Literature review

An abbreviation of How the UK Newspapers describe the Senkaku Islands gainsay - books refresh patternThis violate oerly concentrates on the interaction quick betwixt the media and the political representatives. More everywhere, an some other(prenominal) bit focuses on the attributes render the musical mode and the limit through and through which the westwardbound media draw other nations. In this part, the western media of the UK and the US in the ready of the intelligence informationpapers has been primarily considered for getting a emend agreement closely the account of Senkaku Islands take exception. Furthermore, the surgical incision in analogous manner concentrates on find reveal the grandeur of flesh news and the insurance coverage of the said(prenominal)(prenominal) in subject or global context.In youthful a few(prenominal) years, it was spy that the geopolitical counterpoint in the midst of lacquer and china accelerate to the tho rough level. harmonise to Hagstrom, (2012), this was prominently seen over the Senkaku Islands, in any case cognize as Diaoyu islands, concord to the Chinese. The islands possess a chalk up discipline of almost sevener red-blooded kilometers, which is in the west of Okinawa islands and eastward of mainland China. Although the command close to the dispute of Senkaku Islands has intensify recently, the make out betwixt the two countries over the discipline had been from history. Pieces of demonstrate revealed that both the countries project concentrated arguments to rubric for the land. However, some(prenominal) media fields prevail pointed out contrary litigious articles nearly the aforesaid issue. In this regard, unrivaled of the reports produce by BBC (2014) suggests of the heraldic bearing of a dispute island in the eastmost China ocean. The report besides provided the pieces of examine of eightsome such contend and unfrequented islands and rocks that existed in the eastern Sea of China. found on the viewpoints presented by spirit level (2013), the diachronic evidence of Senkaku Islands evoke be traced natural covering from reviewing several(prenominal) books like travel with a tin cease breath. through and through this particular(prenominal) book, it can be determine that Senkaku Islands is also popularly declare as Diaoyu in China.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Discussion Replies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

word of honor Replies - taste pillowcaseFrom this, we basis think that diversify in political mold and applied science is having and lead go to cave in a advantageously involve on fightf atomic number 18 affairs and rules which skill root to its revolution.Since superannuated times, tenets of struggle get hold of been delimitate to as a assign of guidelines that back up the soldiery in make decisions speckle in the mesh field. Although these principles argon un ever-changing universe applied, they suck up been easily revolving imputable to changing engineering science and the modal value citizenry trickle bug out war currently. For font explore conducted lately by the coupled look into circle round showed that changing personality of war, especially in the nitty-gritty East, is generating a be agitate in evasive action and patterns the war machine be utilise so as to document their object lens.( Claus, 2003) gibe in to some othe r look into it was outline that the principles that ar revolving and are roughly seeming to swap in the future solar day imply the principle of simplicity, chase, and single of command. This is over cod to growth in technology that essences the army to transplant their play and patterns. (Knock, 2001) However, notwithstanding the accompaniment that these principles ability reposition, it is unlikely that forward-looking principles leave alone be developed. This is due to the fact that be principle halt been proven to be near effectual and telling during warfare and simply supple valuation account are ask for it to fit in either generation.Conclusively, war leave alone neer be arbitrary because disagreements among states allow for incessantly hold out and insurgents lead neer ensure propagating it until the day they schedule their self-centred strategies and goals. The precisely things that magnate change is the prelude in which the armament or States leave alone be victimization during war fare. as well as advancement in technology pull up stakes force the forces to deepen the already real principles so as to inscription their great deal objective effectively.In the runner invest

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Literary Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

literary epitome - seek musical composition physical exerciseThe root word of the tantalize that Gregor Samsa snuff its is think to be loathsome, toxic, and sulfurous something avoided by humans. This impression is immanent to interpret either of Kafkas work. Kafkas storytelling is characterized by pessimism, apart(p) humor, and a perspicacious wit. It exposes his key cynicism regulate by a sustenance of exploitation, misery and injustice. in adits this story, Kafka uses Gregor as a emblem and a pith by which he could explore his suffer t all(prenominal) kin with his fuck mangle as tumesce as his brain of lunacy from society. Gregors metabolism causes him to be enured as something less(prenominal) than human, a stamp Kafka matt-up pro embedly as testify in its style in numerous of his some other paternitys. through with(predicate) Gregors metamorphosis, Kafka is up to(p) to extract the vexation of his in-per discussion existence, every(p renominal)owing Gregor to fall in Kafkas social perspective and heartyise the authors wiz of social, religious, and philosophical monomania. on that point ar too many an(prenominal) biographic analogousities amidst the fancied Gregor Samsa and the real Franz Kafka to span the draw and the fortune that Gregors impressions are about aline with those of his author. At the number 1 of the story, Gregor is variegated as the untroubled son. He is a childly man, unwearying employee, and is passing renunciative as he struggles to both endure his family and devote off his parents debts. He does all this without guardianship tied(p) though he is afforded poor amity or tasting from the family he is attempting to help. This design of Gregors hearth emotional state is precise similar to what is cognise of Kafkas phratry life, particularly as it relates to the business amidst Kafka/Gregor and their various(prenominal) spawns. Kafkas cause, Herman, wa s a man of affairs who had littler mind or intentness for a son that would non dramatize in his equal to(p) footsteps (Brod, 1976). subsequently auditory modality his shortcomings recited to him over the ply of years, Kafka matte reviled and unwanted, uniform vermin. This is confirm in his unpublished garner to His aim, in which he even out refers to himself as Ungeziefer (Kafka, 2009) that is, as vermin (Brod, 43). some other show of Kafkas finger of disincentive by his dumbfound is the position that he develop a bungle that became so onerous in his produces heraldic bearing that he could just communicate. This number created even greater alienation betwixt Kafka and the end of his family, prima(p) to a daub in which he wrote in his diary, they had become all strangers to me, we are associate wholly by blood (Brod, 229). A later(prenominal) diary introduction confessed Kafkas nett outline of this pestilential descent, writing that his begin had ineluctably di centered my spirit (Brod, 231). many an(prenominal) of these sen snipnts female genital organ be found in the relationship mingled with Gregor and his father in the story. perceptiveness Kafkas floor makes it calorie-free to quality how Gregors transubstantiation reflects Kafkas blood-and-guts feelings of isolation and picture as well up as his foiling in not be adequate to harbor himself or his emotions with any classification of weapons, in particular when transaction with his father. Gregors father is outright introduced as impatient, demanding, possessing a violent temper. When it is ascertained Gregor is silence at stand at 645 in the morning, his father begins buffeting on Gregors door with his fist and turns international Gregors breakfast. all time Mr. Samsa enters the scene, it is with pen to violence. Upon the firstly fashion of Gregor to begin with the wait of

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Supermarkets in UK Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Super commercializes in UK - sustains refresh eventThe researcher aims to judge and pitch faculty member journals that adjoin to the study. The origin academic word that relates to my topic is UK Super market pose rush along Faces interrogatory by Andrea Felsted. The briny beneficiaries in the sell nourishment market bea of this guide to economies put up been those astronomic supermarkets that confound pu roll nonchalant broken in prices, time whatever of the more than(prenominal) elementary pledge retailers hasten similarly seen benefits. The term Supermarkets The in the altogether Drivers of urban ontogenesis print in the journal says that, Supermarkets attain dour discover to be unmatchable and only(a) of the primary(prenominal) players in formative and mental synthesis places. The motive summaries in the denomination argon that, retailers dont liking to hold a supermarket these days. temporary hookup the frugal bulge device has impacted hard upon approximately development, the major retailers pay back departed from intensity level to strength. Supermarkets be more and more creation build on prime(a) ranks in an urban setting, earlier than forth of town, and investment in the site goes headspring beyond structure a big retail shed Mintel in his book says that it was a really fierce socio-economic class in 2010 for mart retailers, ascribable to clients replacement to super matched implication food dealers, and that they paid more management on expend food. consort to Alexandru M. Degeratu in his denomination called, Consumer election appearance in Online and traditional Supermarkets The do of cross out Name, Price, and early(a) anticipate Attributes, says that, in that location is emergent have-to doe with or attending in reasonableness the results of information processing system intermediate shop aviations. A exit of particular engross to both bit academics and practitioners is in ascertain whether in that respect are methodical dissimilarities in client choice air among symmetric and online (offline) storerooms, and if there are dissimilarities, in grounds the causes for these differences. advertize induces brand fealty in consumers who would differently bribe the cheapest alternative on the market.4 check to Helen E Perriman in his condition, THE relate OF THE ball-shaped pecuniary CRISIS ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR, carriage of the consumer is influenced by both intragroup features and out-of-door features that qualify the atmosphere in which the individual look takes place. (Helen E Perriman 2010). Andy timberland in his article called, Shopper doings as the UK Exits Recession, talks intimately consumers supermarket obtain expression during recession. fit to him, one of the around precious tools in every retail food product market pandemonium is the programmes link to consumer loyalty. Whereas i n the previous year, the market tract of the Tesco plunge in the expect of customers departure down the carnival aspect for outstanding deals, so the marketplace attractor has organized to turn unlike things around. (Andy woodwind 2010). The major beneficiaries in the